Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My experience

My experience with button blankets is probably only half as cultural as it should be. I lived in a village for some time. During school hours we were not allowed to learn about native traditions or values. But after school almost everyone was sent to a native art class. Where we learned about native art, culture, and stories. We lived in a small village, and whenever someone would throw a pot latch; everyone was invited. My mother told us to get our button blankets and we'd go. We were taught that our blankets were supposed to be some kind of other worldly blanket and it would help us some how. I distinctly remember dancing to a hunting song. Me and my brother were supposed to find our way through some kind of forest, hunting for animals. I remember a few elders with seal drums. It confused me a little bit because a few of them played them upside down or with their wrists.

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